Leon Trakman has extensive experience as a consultant and presenter to governments, NGOs, and commercial entities. He is a convener of and participant at various conferences and workshops on arbitration, mediation, contract, business, trade and investment law, finance, environment, tertiary education, jurisprudence. These include, among many others:

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- Guest Speaker at the University of Sydney School of Law. Presentation topic: "Resolving Controversies relating to Investor-State Dispute Settlement" (October 2017)
- Guest Speaker at the International Symposium on International Investment Treaties and Arbitration Across Australia. Presentation topic: "Standing Panels in Investor-State Arbitration" (April 2017)
- Presiding Arbitrator, Mallesons Hypothetical Arbitration Moot, Mallesons Sydney (November 2014)
- Panel Chair and Presentions, Investor-State Arbitration, Conference on International Trade and Investment, Canberra (August 2014)
- Federal Court of Australia workshop on International Arbitration and Commercial Law (2013)
- Senior Consultant to the College of Law, advised on the development of legal programs and courses in the areas of corporate law and dispute resolution to be taught at various Australian Universities (2006-2009)
- Advisory Board of the NSW Bar Association, Admissions to Practice (2003-2005)
- Public presentations on a Bill of Rights for Australia, at conferences including Parliament House, NSW (2002-2003)
- Public presentations on developments in the law and practice Arbitration, CIArb, ACICA, UNSW, University of Melbourne, Bond University (2002-present)

- Guest Speaker at the Centre for International Governance Innovation. Presentation topic: "Investor-State Dispute Settlement" (2015)
- Consultant, Department of Justice, Canada, on Equality Rights (1999-2001)
- Consultant, Department of Justice, Canada, on Aboriginal Justice Strategies, (1999-2001)
- Advised Bar Associations, NGOs and private organisations across Canada on the legal significance of dispute resolution provisions in the North American Free Trade Agreement (1990-1997)
- Consultant to the Canadian Bar Association, Task Force on Civil Justice, on alternative methods of dispute resolution in business (1995-1997)
- Consultant, Government of Nova Scotia, on Section 15 of the Charter, Equality Rights (1988)
- Consultant on revising the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1986)
- Consultant, Government of Canada, on the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1981-1982)

- Guest Speaker at the International Symposium on Trade and Investment with China. Presentation topic: "China and International Commercial Dispute Settlement" (November 2016)
- Guest Speaker at a dispute resolution workshop. Presentation topic: "Australia: A Comparative Study of Arbitral Reform in Asia-Pacific" (2015)
- Presentation, Investor-State Arbitration and the Rule of Law, The Rule of Law in A Globalized Environment, City University of Hong Kong (April 2015)
- Presentation, Investment Arbitration and the New Law Merchant (International Symposium, Nankai University (November 2014)
- Presentation at an information workshop on the Resolution of Investment Disputes for academics and investment consultants at the Chinese University of Law and Political Science, Beijing (2013)
- Presentations at an intensive five day information workshop sponsored by the Chinese Government on international commercial arbitration in China for government officials and lawyers held at Xi’an Jiaotong University, China (2012, 2013).
- Presentations at a five day information workshop sponsored by the Chinese Government on China on the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes [ICSID] for government officials and lawyers held at Xi’an Jiaotong University, China (2012).

- Advised the Mexican Bar Association and affiliated universities and institutes on the nature and implications arising from dispute resolution provisions in the North American Free Trade Agreement (1993-1998)

- Consultant to the Constituent Assembly of Lesotho on entrenching a bill of rights (1991)

- Consultant to Judges on Supreme Court of Malawi on judicial reforms (1995)
- Appointed by the British Commonwealth Secretariat to provide judicial education to, inter alia, Judges on the Supreme Court of Malawi Government, Malawi (1993)

- A key note speaker at an inter-continental conference on resolving international investment disputes, hosted by institute Arbitraje de Peru, Lima, Peru (2012)
Keynote speech, “Preparing for International Investment Arbitration”

- An intensive workshop on international investment law on arbitration and investment treaty disputes for lawyers and government officials in Mongolia (2012)

- A presentation on foreign investment in education held in Doha and organized by Qatar Foundation, Government of Qatar (2013)

- Trade and investment consultant to private investors in establishing trade and investment opportunities in South Africa (1992-1994)
- Consultant to corporations on compliance with industrial/labour and governmental standards, and in resolving contract and commercial disputes (1992-1993)
- Appointed by External Affairs, Canada, to advise the African National Congress and the Law Commission of South Africa on devising a bill of rights for South Africa, Senate Reform, and creating a Constitutional Court for South Africa (1990-1993)

- An intensive workshop for judges on the Supreme Court of Vietnam organized by the International Development Law Organization (2008, 2009)

- Guest Speaker at the Columbia University. Presentation topic: "Resolving Controversy over Public Policy in the Annulment of International Arbitration Awards" (November 2017)
- Guest Speaker at the New York University School of Law. Presentation topic: "State Sovereignty and Transnational Public Policy in International Commercial Arbitration" (November 2017)
- Workshop Convener and Presenter at the John Hopkins University. Presentation topic: "Dispute Resolution in the Digital Economy" (November 2017)
- Guest Speaker at the Georgetown University. Presentation topic: "Annulling International Arbitration Awards on Grounds of Domestic Interests" (November 2017)
- Advised and addressed the AAA on arbitration practice in New York (1994-2001)
- Advised arbitration associations on strategic developments in international commercial arbitration, such as the CPR in New York (1996-1998)
- Advised and addressed Bar Associations across the US, including Texas, Maine, Vermont, Louisiana on the legal significance of dispute resolution under the North American Free Trade Agreement (1990-1997)